Corrosion is All Around Us

Those that work in the oil and gas industry are more than familiar with corrosion’s ability to disrupt and destroy operations. Pipes, pipe fittings, tanks, and vessels are all easy targets for corrosion. But did you know corrosion follows you home? Let’s take a look at some of the ways corrosion takes place in our daily lives and more importantly, the ways it can be prevented. 

Where Does Corrosion Occur? 

What does your computer, showerhead, a battery, and an office building all have in common? That they will all one day corrode. One way or another, whether by natural causes or from an accident, these daily objects and the places we inhabit will all experience corrosion. 

For computers and electronics, water is the true corrosive enemy. A computer can corrode from within just a few hours to over multiple days. Numerous factors dictate how little or long a device has before it becomes completely damaged by corrosion. These factors include humidity levels and the amount of time a device like a computer remains submerged in water. Showerheads naturally experience corrosion due to the buildup of calcium deposits making their way through the showerhead. Batteries experience corrosion from the oxidation of metal parts. The occurrence of oxidation is noticeable by way of a green film that builds up alongside contacts of batteries. Alternatively, corrosion is noticed by a white powdery substance that builds up along older batteries due to leakage. 

Above all, infrastructure seems to be the key target for corrosion. Many buildings and famous bridges have collapsed due to corrosion. Corrosion can break pipelines wide open and leave numerous power plants to dangerously leak harmful materials. When it comes to industrial tools and environments, corrosion is nothing to take lightly. Corrosion can affect both the efficiency and sustainability of equipment and the workplace environment as a whole. These represent the real dangers of corrosion. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent corrosion from occurring at home and in the workplace. 

How Corrosion can be Prevented

For computers and batteries, it is recommended that they are kept and used in environments that are not humid. Having a dehumidifier installed in a home or office can allow for moisture in the air to be kept at a safe level that will not harm electronics. 

If moisture happens to make its way onto a device, it is recommended that the device be wiped down as quickly as possible before corrosion takes place. A combination of white vinegar and a dry cotton swab can easily alleviate any corrosion on batteries. Similarly, calcium deposits and buildups in showerheads can be removed by way of white vinegar and a hefty amount of scrubbing. 

Tanks, vessels, pipe fittings, and piping, however, require far more complex corrosion prevention techniques than white vinegar and a scrub. Corrosion prevention begins with having high-quality coatings and services centered around providing the highest level of protection. 

Spear Industrial Coatings provides an all-around service catered to keeping your investments and environment safeguarded from the dangers of corrosion. Give us a call today at  432-606-4093 and we will give your equipment the inspection it needs with the estimate you deserve. 

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