The Permian Basin is more than doing its part to propel the United States into the first position spot as an oil producing powerhouse. Resources that were once unavailable are now being extracted by methods of fracking and horizontal drilling. According to Forbes Magazine, the Permian Basin could become the world’s most productive oilfield, even surpassing Ghawar field, which has yielded 5 million barrels of petroleum per day for decades.

The production rate of the Permian Basin is expected to continue to soar. With this prediction comes massive growth as companies scramble to invest in the Permian industry. The EPIC Crude Oil Pipeline is taking shape to cover the need for an extended pipeline to transfer oil directly from Orla, Texas to the Port of Corpus Christi. Also, with more production comes the obvious need for more workers. Researchers are predicting that by 2030 the Permian Basin will need 60,000 more workers. The areas around the Basin are preparing TODAY. There will be some challenges that come with this much growth. Water management teams are working on solutions to help prepare the strain on the systems that will come with the added number of workers, and the added number of barrels of water needed to produce that much oil.

At Spear Industrial, we know the needs of the Permian Basin, and how important it is to keep your equipment in good shape to protect your investment. We work right alongside you to assess your needs and find out how to best serve you. This is an exciting time in the oil field! The Spear team is committed to efficient operations and the highest level of safety standards.

Call us today at 432-606-4093 for an estimate on your next project. #SpearIndustrial

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