Whether your equipment is indoor or outdoor, it’s always at risk of being affected by the environment it’s in. Here are the things you need to be aware of so that you never encounter surprise issues with your most valuable pieces of equipment.

The first and maybe most obvious danger of outdoor equipment is exposure to heat. While the chemical changes can vary depending on the material, in general heat causes atoms to vibrate. What does that mean? It means it can potentially break down the molecular bonds in any surface.

In addition to the heat, ultraviolet rays are a danger as well. These rays create an energy that contributes to something called solar breakdown. This process can break down any covalent bonds on the surface and leads to eventual deterioration.

Even if your equipment is indoors, just being exposed to oxygen has the potential to disrupt your equipment surfaces. Specifically for metallic surfaces, corrosion is the top concern with oxygen being the biggest contributor. The acidity level in the air is the other element to consider when dealing with this process.

For parts submerged in water or even just in a high-moisture environment, any sort of mildew, mold, marine life, or plant matter growth will severely affect the surface at stake.

Regardless of WHERE your equipment lives, without proper coating…it’s at risk of being affected. If you’re unsure whether or not your equipment is ready for any condition, give us a call  (432) 606-4093. We can help!

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