Industry News: 3D Printing (2018)

Industry News: 3D Printing (2018)

Chuck Hull is a primary example of someone who recognized his frustrations, turned around and created a solution. Lucky for him, his solution worked on a much larger scale than he planned and has turned into the phenomenon we know today as 3D printing. If you...
Industry News: The Future of Lightweight Materials

Industry News: The Future of Lightweight Materials

Over the past 20-30 years, the materials we see most often used in manufacturing vehicles have begun evolving. Why? A common goal amongst most, if not all industries is to be as efficient as possible while maintaining the quality of the product.  When it comes to the...
Is Your Equipment Due for a Coating?

Is Your Equipment Due for a Coating?

At Spear Industrial, we want to make sure you are fully equipped and prepared for whatever the future holds. When was the last time you coated your structures and equipment? Do you know how often a coating is needed? Don’t wait until there is obvious damage....
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