Corrosion is a natural chemical reaction that can become destructive when it comes to industrial surfaces. Knowing the different types of corrosion and how to prevent it will save your structure from becoming damaged permanently. Here are four different types of corrosion to know about:

  • Microbial Corrosion: Believe it or not, microbial corrosion occurs with the help of oxygen-feeding microorganisms. Biogenic sulfide corrosion is bacteria “eating” sulfur to produce sulfuric acid. Bacterial concentration cells also enhance galvanic corrosion by oxidizing the by-products of the ongoing corrosion process.
  • Rusting: Rusting happens when metal becomes oxidized. This means that oxidants target the iron atoms, which turns them into iron and salt oxides. This is what you visibly see as rust.
  • Galvanic Corrosion: This type of corrosion occurs when two different electrode potential metals come in contact with electrolytes. Galvanic corrosion results from the presence of electrolytes or salt in the water, which interferes with the insulated metal surface and the outer jacket or accessories causing a flow between dissimilar metals.
  • Corrosion in High Temperatures: The oxidation process occurs in high temperatures with help from sulfur and oxygen that attacks metal surfaces.

Corrosion resistant coatings combat the electrochemical process of corrosion, preventing steel and other substrates from corroding easily. For more information on how Spear Industrial Coatings can help prevent corrosion on your structure, give us a call at 432-606-4093.

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